Our New 2009-2010 Bruin Cheer Squad

A new year a new start and we have a bigger squad this year! 27 girls and 1 boy (who we are very excited to have on the squad) and we couldn't be more excited to have all of them on our squad! This is the beginning and we cannot wait to see how the year plays out!

Freshman: Kandice Johnson, Katie Higley, Taylor Hyde, Maddi Jenco, Carli Lutz, Monica Esquibel, Lucinda Surbrook, Aubrey Allen, Alyssa Jones

J.V.: Lexi Hepworth, Jordyn Clark, Aspen Zebarth, Kelsi Staley, Angelica Price

Varsity: Melissa Aguirre, Arika Jones, Danielle Jones, Jessica Clark, Jenna Sharp, Alexi Hash, Brenda Renteria, Stela Saltaga, Kayla Johnson, Allison Federico, Shelbie Aslett, Shelby Anderson, Dallas Knighton

Sunday, March 8, 2009


State has come and gone....and our basketball season has come to a close. It was very adventurous weekend and so many victories and tears all in one weekend. Hopefully all the memories you have will be good and just remember this is one of your last adventures together. We have so many memories from basketball season and it seemed like it would never end, and yet here it is all over. Our cheer season has almost come to an end and it is insane to think that. Yet we have had good times and bad.....drama and fun. I hope you all enjoyed your cheering and that it wasn't too bad of an ordeal for you because we have had lots of fun coaching you guys. So please stand by as a squad for out last ordeal.....STATE COMPETITION and enjoy the season don't stress out about it.
Here are all the pictures I took from this weekend and if you have more you want me to add just email them to me! ENJOY!

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