Our New 2009-2010 Bruin Cheer Squad

A new year a new start and we have a bigger squad this year! 27 girls and 1 boy (who we are very excited to have on the squad) and we couldn't be more excited to have all of them on our squad! This is the beginning and we cannot wait to see how the year plays out!

Freshman: Kandice Johnson, Katie Higley, Taylor Hyde, Maddi Jenco, Carli Lutz, Monica Esquibel, Lucinda Surbrook, Aubrey Allen, Alyssa Jones

J.V.: Lexi Hepworth, Jordyn Clark, Aspen Zebarth, Kelsi Staley, Angelica Price

Varsity: Melissa Aguirre, Arika Jones, Danielle Jones, Jessica Clark, Jenna Sharp, Alexi Hash, Brenda Renteria, Stela Saltaga, Kayla Johnson, Allison Federico, Shelbie Aslett, Shelby Anderson, Dallas Knighton

Sunday, October 12, 2008

End of Summer

So it all finally came to an end....the long practices.....the hot days.....and that one thing that was all creeping up..........the StARt OF SCHOOL! It was an awesome summer with so much going on. When August came we went down to 2 day practices-instead of 3, and he weeks flew by so fast. Since it was getting closer to school we started practicing on game day situations and how to get our "lovely" crowd involved. On one of our last practices we asked the parents to come and see what we were doing all summer long! We showed off our cheering skills, crowd involvement, and always stunting! I don't have the film of the cheering, but I do have the stunting that we went over!

This is what I like to call the Switch Hitch. We got this stunt ready for our first assembly. I was so happy that the girls got it soooo incredibly fast. It is not too hard of a stunt, but it looks awesome huh?

This one is called the A pyramid....and even though we taught this one pretty early in the summer we barely added the Liberty in the middle because Shayla was able to get it....but unfortunately at this point in time she wasn't too confident in the stunt and didn't stick it even though she had it! I'm glad she doesn't do this anymore!!! Love you Shayla!

This video is just us doing Xtensions...all but one went up and that is pretty dang good! I'm so proud of all of you for how hard you worked this summer! I know it seems like that we work you till the ground sometimes, but it will all pay off in the end....trust us!!

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