Our New 2009-2010 Bruin Cheer Squad

A new year a new start and we have a bigger squad this year! 27 girls and 1 boy (who we are very excited to have on the squad) and we couldn't be more excited to have all of them on our squad! This is the beginning and we cannot wait to see how the year plays out!

Freshman: Kandice Johnson, Katie Higley, Taylor Hyde, Maddi Jenco, Carli Lutz, Monica Esquibel, Lucinda Surbrook, Aubrey Allen, Alyssa Jones

J.V.: Lexi Hepworth, Jordyn Clark, Aspen Zebarth, Kelsi Staley, Angelica Price

Varsity: Melissa Aguirre, Arika Jones, Danielle Jones, Jessica Clark, Jenna Sharp, Alexi Hash, Brenda Renteria, Stela Saltaga, Kayla Johnson, Allison Federico, Shelbie Aslett, Shelby Anderson, Dallas Knighton

Thursday, October 9, 2008

NCA Cheer Camp @ ISU

We had such a blast at Cheer camp this year! It was a great time for us to bond and progress as individuals and as a squad. We went to camp this year on July 29th at the ISU Campus in Pocatello. We stayed in the dorms which was a little eye opening for the girls to see what dorm life would be like, but we had a lot of fun in the making!

This was our first day and what a great day it was. They learned a few chants, a cheer, their spirit dance, and last but not least STUNTING! We were grouped up with our NCA buddies as well! Junior Varsity with Wes and Varsity with Katie....we loved the NCA Staff and everything they did for us. Later that night we had a special bonding night which we all shared something sentimental and it was a very emotional, but very special night for everyone!


On our second day was very jam-packed and full of learning, laughing, and working hard. We reviewed what we learned the previous day and then more material was taught and we went through our first camp evaluation. Each squad performed a chant and cheer in front of their buddy and then was evaluated by their NCA Buddy. JV got a red ribbon for excellent and Varsity got a blue ribbon for superior. Both squads did a great job for their first time being evaluation as a squad. Today we worked on more stunts and then broke off into groups as some went to learn the advance dance and others learned the pom dance. It was a great day and lots of learning!


The 3rd day was fun day and we showed off our spirit by wearing pink camo! It was fun to see the girls all in pink! It was a long day...and we could tell everyone was feeling it! Lots of learning...the hot sun.....and some were getting tired, frustrated, all the above, but we were able to work it out and pull out or BRUIN power and keep on going! This day was full of more learning, reviewing, and we also had all star try-outs! This is kind of a unique opportunity that the NCA Staff will watch the kids as the week goes by and nominate those who have excelled in certain areas such as.....stunting, jumps, and motions. We had 11 girls nominated and 9 girls tried-out and we had 4 girls make it! We were so proud of all of them for doing their best! Today we also worked on pyramids as a squad and learned the funk dance! It was a good day!


Finally it was here the last and final day of camp. We had our review and then camp evaluations and then went right into our camp champion. It sort of a little competition between the entire camp to see who has worked hard and performed what NCA taught correctly. After we went into the award ceremony and that was the end of our week at camp! The Bruin Cheer Squad did an excellent job this year and won lots of awards! Varsity took first in Camp Chant and JV took first in Game Day. Both squads recieved superior blue ribbons for their morning evaluations and JV received the SPOT award for safety in stunting and Varsity received a technical excellence award for motions. Both squads received a spirit stick and Kelsie Fairbanks, Melissa, Arika, and Lacey all got All-American. It was a great camp and we are so proud of everything they did! We learned a lot of great new things and couldn't wait to put it all to use when we got home!

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